Cobalt-blue wine...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
This kind of thing happens when you clean your house up :) - you always find some strange items that: 1. you thought you've thrown away ten years ago, 2. you kept because someday they could be found useful (they usually weren't), 3. you forgot about them and now you're shocked you were keeping them, 4. you forgot about them and now you're mad at yourself you had amnesia...

Long time ago someone decided to make a house-made wine here and used two nice bottles for it. I don't remember the taste of that wine or who actually was occupied with it (and who got drunk by any chance!). I've just dragged that two lovely bottles out of my cabinet. No one confesses to a crime ;)

This is how one of those bottles looked like before:

Anyway, I started to like them instantly because of the color, a nice cobalt-blue hue. They are not a part of the set, actually they are completely different from each other in shape but the color is the same. One of them has got the sign of Peter Brum German Winery...
First thing I've done was ripping entire labels off the bottles. I've done it under a stream of hot water and I treated remains with salicylic spirit (used normally in hospitals for disinfection). Then I've made a simple decoupage on the surface:

I didn't play with cutting an interesting pattern out of a napkin, I simply used the entire napkin to cover a stripe of the bottles' surface and I sticked it with a water glue. It's easy to make it if you have some kind of a cylindrical item, you simply cover it with glue, stick a side of a napkin to it and roll it to make the entire space covered...
This is the pattern-napkin I used:

It has also a nice navy-blue ornament, perfect for my bottles. By white background it gives a fitting contrast for the design :)

My last step was adding some touch to it. I chose to make two white satin ribbons on each bottle to cover a decoupage's edge. Afterwards I've made little jewellery pieces out of some tiny blue beads and attached them to top-ribbons...

Now it's complete and looks really sweet. Those two bottles show that it's fun to make a different decoupage, it doesn't have to be always a cutout of a flower glued to a box. Besides such a cobalt-blue decoration looks perfect in a scandinavian house, without any resemblance to provençal style which lots of decoupage projects have. :)

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