It's been a long time since I'd got an idea of making this blog. I've actually abandoned it for a long time being occupied by my job (graphic design), family life (my husband and my alaskan malamute ;)) and also another passion I'm infected with: computer games (currently: Lord of the Rings Online). Suddenly I remembered about my blog and made a huge facepalm ;) - this is me, a completely chaotic, absent-minded person! Finally I attempt to publish something of my creations and I start modestly, with a romantic vintage decoupaged jewellery box:
It was my father's-in-law Dutch cigar box previously, but I stole it ;) - of course I told him about it later and he was surprised what could have been done out of it, so it was a precious compliment to me. Anyway, I didn't want to paint it inside, so I left it as it was before decoupage...
It fits nicely to my beloved items and to one of my favorite books by Olga Tokarczuk (Polish exquisite writer). You can easily say, it creates some mood ;)
The powder-pink jewellery set (necklace and earrings) and an old pearl bracelet are also created by me using my own technique. The set is made of anti-allergic metal and Venetian glass. All pieces found their place inside the box...
I avoid classic decoupage but sometimes it's a side-product of my mind and some kind of my recycling action. I use everything I have in my drawer then - just like here I've used an old napkin with rose-pattern. I've made a decoupage of it, used some acrylic pastel-like paints and then I used my favorite crackle specimen (crackle classic step 1 and 2) to age it a bit, filled appearing cracks with brown-pink porporino powder, and after 48 hours I covered it with a glossy polyurethane varnish... I like the look ;)
Często piszesz na FB o LOTRO a ja nigdy nie skojarzyłem, że to gra online - shame on me. Może się kiedyś skuszę, bo co jakiś czas lubię pograć w MMORPG ;)
Gdy pierwszy raz zajrzałem do twojego bloga, byłem zaskoczony, że również takie zdolności posiadasz :) Nareszcie mam chwilę czasu, aby się rozejrzeć.
Ps: dość trudno napisac komentarz, bo po zalogowaniu do google, ucinany jest spód. Bez firebuga by mi się nie udało :/
Dziękuję, Ilf :)) W LOTRO jestem w trakcie zmiany serwera na bardziej role-play - chcę tam przenieść co najmniej jedną moją postać, bo na obecnym serwerze nie ma zbyt dużo graczy i świeci pustkami. Chcę zebrać też paru kumpli, by stworzyć własną gildię :) Fajnie by było, gdybyś dołączył :)
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